About Garlic

We continue to be impressed with all of the hard neck garlic varieties around the world. Generally, it was the small garlic farmer that discovered and cultivated many of the choices we have today. Thankfully, folks can experience the many medicinal properties of this ancient plant and enjoy the flavor of true garlic!



Purple stripe are named for their vivid purple color and striping on the bulb wrappers and cloves. In general, the taste is strong and garlicky. Some consider the purple stripe the best for roasting. Our Duganskij and Chesnok Red are fine varieties of purple stripe garlic.



Typically, porcelain varieties are large with white wrappers, hence the name “porcelain”. They often have fewer cloves than other types but the cloves are quite large.  As a group porcelain varieties have the highest yields of allicin, the therapeutic benefit of garlic. They have an aggressive, less subtle garlic flavor. Music and German White are in the porcelain family.

If you would like to discuss the art and science of hard neck garlic, from planting to harvest, please call or email and our grower will gladly share his love of the good, the bad and the ugly!

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