
Chesnok Red

Purple Stripe
Originating in the Republic of Georgia, Chesnok Red is a true purple stripe garlic that, with excellent growing conditions, can develop into large bulbs. The plants average two feet tall in michigan. The outer wrappers are thin and loose for easy peeling revealing about 6 to 10 good sized cloves with purple stripes up the outsides.  Chesnok is the sweetest of the roasting garlics with a mellow taste and is an all round cook's garlic. Lasts around 8 months or longer depending on how you store it.

Seed Garlic Pricing:

Please be patient-will know precise seed availability September 1st

$28 per pound-pre ordering is available

Culinary Garlic Pricing:

4 bulbs - $9

8 bulbs - $15

12 bulbs - $22


German White

German White is a large, porcelain type hard neck garlic.  It is widely grown for its garlic scapes which are thick and can curl twice. Tall plants around 3 feet high with wide leaves dark green in color. Does well with cold weather like most hard necks. The bulbs produce 4-6 large, easy to peel cloves and store well up to 8 months or more.  German White has a rich garlic flavor with a little heat that softens and sweetens once cooked. One of the highest amounts of allicin for health benefits.

Seed Garlic Pricing

Please be patient-we will know precise seed availability September 1st

$28 per pound pre ordering is available

Culinary Garlic Pricing:

4 bulbs - $9

8 bulbs - $15

12 bulbs - $22




Music is an easy to grow,  hardy garlic that likes cold weather.  It can reach heights up to 3 feet tall with long roots and dark green leaves.  It's a porcelain variety that produces large bulbs with 4-6 big and easy to peel cloves in shiny white wrappers.  Named after a Canadian grower Al Music, it is believed to come originally from Italy and is one of the best known hard neck garlics.  It's aromatic with a spicy flavor and pungent at the same time, a true garlic lovers garlic.  Music also has high allicin levels which contributes to garlic's antioxidant and health benefits. Music is popular because it likes the cold and is not very picky about growing conditions.

Seed Garlic Pricing:

Please be patient-we will know precise seed availability September 1st

$28 per pound - pre ordering is available

Culinary Garlic Pricing:

4 bulbs - $9

8 bulbs - $15

12 bulbs - $22



Purple Stripe
Originally from Uzbekistan, Duganskij produces decent sized bulbs averaging 6-10 decent sized cloves per bulb.  A very handsome garlic with a purple stripe and hint of violet colored cloves.  The plant itself is fairly short (around two feet tall) but can grow large bulbs with good growing conditions. It has a nutty flavor when cooked and moderately hot when raw.  The purple stripe varieties are known for complex and strong flavor. Stores well around 8 months or more depending on how you store it.

Seed Garlic Pricing:

Please be patient-we will know precise seed availability September 1st

$28 per pound-pre ordering is available

Culinary Garlic Pricing:

4 bulbs $9

8 bulbs $15

12 bulbs $22